Contoh Teks Story Telling Lengkap! The Ant and Grasshopper

Berikut contoh teks story telling untuk lomba anak dengan tema cerita luar negeri berjudul "The Ant and Grasshopper"

Good Morning, Everyone!

The honourable judges, my dear friends who participate and not forgetting my beloved brothers and sisters. 

In this happy occasion, i would like to tell you story about "The Ant and Grasshopper". Let's, listen to my story!

Once upon a time in a field on a summer day, there was a happy Grasshopper who liked to play, sing, and dance all day. 

G : What a splendid day!. la,la,la,la,la, I have nothing to do, but sing and play. La, la, la, la,la

As he was singing, and ant was passing by.

A : Don’t you ever get tired of playing?

G : Who, me?. Of course not!

A : Don’t you ever work?

G : Who, me?. Of course not!. Do you want to play with me?

A : : No, I have work to do

G : Come on, let’s sing together

A : No, I’m very busy right now

G : Work, work, work!. That’s all you do. You don’t have time to play or sing with me.

A : No, I don’t

G : Why are you in such a hurry?.

A : I have to take home this kernel of corn.

G : What for?

A : I have to store food for the winter

G : How can you think about winter on such a fine day?

A : Because the winter will be here soon, and food will be too hard to find and

you should do the same

G : I don’t want to worry about winter right now!. You just go

ahead and work, work, work and I will just play, sing, and dance.

A : Soon, you will not have enough food to eat.

G : I have plenty of food right now.

A : And what about tomorrow?

G : I don’t worry about tomorrow

A : I do. Good-bye

So, the Ant went on its way and continued its work. The weather soon turned cold, and all the food lying in the field was covered with a thick white blanket of snow

G : I should have listened to the ant!. It’s so cold that I can’t even play, or sing songs any more and I don’t have food to eat. I am sure the ant will help me!.

The grasshopper went to the ant’s hill

G : Please, ant give me something to eat. I am cold and hungry

A : Why should I help you?. What did you do all summer?

G : I played, sang, and danced

A : And I worked, worked, worked!. So go and play, sing, and dance

That's all about my story, thank you for your attention. See you later. Good bye

Itulah contoh teks story telling lengkap mulai pembukaan sampai penutup. Anda dapat memodifikasi bagian yang hendak diubah pada cerita the ant and grasshopper.

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